reason to be keenat
logo kn vertical baseline 09 2

Keenat, who are we?

Created in 2019, Keenat (keeping our nature) is a company specialized in the development of waste management solutions, and in assisting communities and companies in the development of circular economy projects.

KEENAT: a company with a mission and environmental and social values

Each of our daily actions has for only objectives the preservation of our ecosystems and the creation of local employment.

Our raison d'être confirms it: "To innovate, act, inspire and develop together sustainable solutions with social and environmental impact".

KEENAT is a holder of the ESUS (Entreprise Solidaire d'Utilité Sociale) approval issued by the DREETS, a signatory of the Diversity Charter and committed to a strong CSR approach.

Inclusion, environmental protection, social ties and solidarity are, among other things, our daily drivers.

Environmental commitment

Local manufacturing
and eco-design

Our products are made in France (New Aquitaine, Loire-Atlantique...) to limit our carbon footprint as much as possible.

Our ashtrays are eco-designed to respect sustainable development issues.

Standing ashtray

Our impact

Wall mounted ashtray

Committed governance
for impact

Initially born as a prefiguration association, KEENAT was then structured as a social enterprise under the status of an SAS with ESUS approval. Our governance is based on a logic of progress and sharing. It serves our environmental and social missions.

In line with our raison d'être, each of our decisions is made with a view to having a positive impact on the environment. At the crossroads of the circular economy and the social and solidarity economy, we are working in line with the Sustainable Development Goals to fight against climate change by taking concrete action on changes in behavior.

On a daily basis, we encourage our customers to act and reduce their waste impact.
Our first ambition? To be an exemplary impact company!
Protecting our environment and building sustainable cities and communities means reducing our impact and promoting the circular economy. This model is necessary to preserve our resources and respond to the social and environmental emergency we are experiencing.

uncontaminated water




litter collection

10,000 HOURS

un-emitted co2



not issued

awareness of the impact of the cigarette butt

10,000 PEOPLE

Our actions and our social and environmental values:

recruiting the ecomegot team

The team is committed and is putting in place real actions:

Waste sorting and composting

Soft mobility

Parity in the teams

Signatory of the diversity charter

Company of the social and solidarity economy

Diversity Charter

The Diversity Charter is a commitment text, available for signature by any employer who wishes to take a proactive approach to diversity and thus go beyond the legal framework of the fight against discrimination.


Employees FTE


Integration partners



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