eco-friendly approach

Why introduce a corporate CSR policy?

85% of them have understood: Corporate Social Responsibility is no longer an option, but an imperative necessity. Faced with ever-increasing social and environmental challenges, French companies need to reinvent themselves. More than just a trend, CSR is a profound transformation that companies must embrace. It's no longer a question of simply greening one's image or responding to regulatory pressures, but of committing to an eco-responsible approach approach that places people and the planet at the heart of its strategy.

In this article, find out why, in 2024, it's more important than ever to implement a corporate environmental policy and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Corporate CSR policy: definition and challenges

A CSR policyalso known as corporate CSR policyis the voluntary integration of social, environmental and societal concerns into the company's business activities and its relations with its stakeholders.

Far from being a burden, the CSR approach is proving to be a real catalyst for business performance. By adopting an eco-responsible approachapproach, companies reap a multitude of benefits:

  • High-performance, fulfilled employees A commitment to eco-responsible approach approach at the heart of the company fosters a positive and motivating work climate. Employees, proud to contribute to a noble cause, become more involved and see their productivity rise.
  • Loyal, committed customers Today's consumers are increasingly sensitive to corporate values. By offering eco-responsible and ethical products, companies that adopt a corporate csr policy build customer loyalty and win over new ones.
  • Valuable savings Optimizing resource management, anticipating environmental regulations... corporate environmental responsibility is not just a question of image, it's also a lever for optimizing costs.
  • A preserved planet By integrating eco-responsible practices, companies are actively helping to combat climate change and protect the environment. A crucial commitment for the future of the planet and future generations.

The Corporate Environmental Responsibility is not an option, but an imperative for companies wishing to prosper in a changing world. It's an opportunity to reinvent oneself, to stand out from the crowd, and to build a sustainable future that benefits both business and society.

Setting up an eco-responsible approach: the key stages

Implementing a corporate csr policy is not a mere formality, it's a real collective challenge that requires the unfailing mobilization of all stakeholders. Management, employees, customers, partners... everyone has a crucial role to play in making this transformation a success.

1. Establish a CSR diagnosis

Take the pulse of your company! Launch a complete and uncompromising CSR diagnostic to identify your environmental, social and societal impacts. It's an opportunity to face reality, to understand your strengths and areas for improvement.

2. Defining CSR objectives: SMART, bold and inspiring

Set yourself clear CSR objectives, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) objectives. Dream big about your corporate csr policybut keep it real. Inspire your teams and partners by involving them in an ambitious and meaningful adventure.

3. Implement concrete actions

Translate your CSR objectives into concrete, measurable actions. Involve your employees in your eco-responsible approachGive them the autonomy and resources they need to get things moving. Encourage innovation and experimentation, for it is in daring that the greatest successes are born.

4. Communicating our CSR approach: transparency and sharing

Communicate internally and externally about your eco-responsible approach. Keep your stakeholders informed of your progress, challenges and successes. Transparency is the key to trust and collective mobilization.

5. Tracking and assessing results: on course for continuous improvement

Regularly measure your progress with relevant performance indicators. Assess the effectiveness of your actions and adjust course if necessary. Continuous improvement is at the heart of CSR policyIt's by learning from our mistakes that we make the most progress.

By resolutely committing to a csr policy policy, they become responsible players and contribute to a sustainable future. It's an opportunity to build a better world for all, in harmony with the planet and future generations.

Today, many companies are adopting eco-responsible approach integrating concrete actions such as :

  • Setting up an environmental management system
  • The use of eco-responsible products and services
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The waste recycling
  • Raising employee awareness of environmental issues

Get support from specialized companies

The implementation of a corporate environmental policy can be complex and time-consuming for companies, especially those just starting out. To avoid the pitfalls and maximize their chances of success, many companies turn to specialist CSR firms.

These experts bring invaluable know-how and in-depth knowledge of CSR issues. They support companies at every stage of their eco-responsible approach. For example, Keenat can support you from A to Z in implementing a corporate environmental policy to combat pollution from cigarette butts and litter. Our comprehensive solution includes :

  • Raising public awareness we inform and empower citizens of a city or employees of a company on the importance of preserving the environment by adopting eco-gestures in their daily lives.
  • Installation of ashtrays and collection thanks to our ecomégot solution, we provide wall-mounted wall-mounted, polling or free-standing ashtraysas well as bins for masks and chewing gum, to facilitate waste sorting and disposal.
  • Waste collection In line with our commitment to social responsibility, we work closely with social integration and disability organizations throughout France to ensure regular, rigorous collection of waste from ashtrays and bins.
  • Recovering and recycling cigarette butts Collected waste is recycled or recycled to produce energy.

With Keenat, make the choice for a clean and sustainable environment by implementing a corporate csr policy.

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